Eligibility Criteria
Single mom, age 20 or older, with children under the age of 10.
Must have: a High School diploma or GED.
Must have: a car, valid driver’s license, and insurance.
Note: We are not equipped for emergency shelter or placement.

Requirements While in the Program
- Be enrolled full time in a degree or certification program that will lead to a self-sufficient career
- Work part time
- Attend weekly case management sessions
- Participate in weekly life skills classes
- Pass weekly house checks of their apartments
Potential residents should email [email protected] to reach out and schedule an initial screening over the phone
Community Resources
The Bella House – Plano
Phone : 972-379-7450
Website : bellahouse.org
Serves pregnant women (18 and older) that are homeless or have no stable living environment.
In My Shoes – Dallas
Phone : 469-857-3264
Website : liveinmyshoes.org
In My Shoes is a community living program in Dallas that provides support specifically towards pregnant, homeless women – while offering life, parenting, and job skills.
Family Promise of Collin County
Phone : 972-442-6966
Website : familypromiseofcollincounty.org
Helps families with children experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.
Agape Resource Center – Plano
Phone : 469-814-0453
Website : hope4agape.org
Provides housing and transitional services to homeless single women, and to moms and their children.
Samaritan Inn – McKinney
Phone: 972-562-7375
Website: saminn.org
A comprehensive homeless program that helps willing people gain dignity and independence.
The Bridge
Phone : (214) 670-1100
Website : bridgehrc.org/
The Bridge is a Homeless Recovery Center, open 24/7, for homeless individuals in Dallas County.
The Family Place (DV) – Dallas/Collin County
Phone : 214-941-1991 (24 hr hotline)
Website : familyplace.org
Provides housing, financial assistance, counselling, and job placement assistance for victims of family violence.
Texas Muslim Women’s Foundation – Plano
Phone : 469-467-6241
Website : tmwf.org
Provides housing and financial assistance to all DV victims. (You do not have to be Muslim to receive services.)
Hope’s Door/New Beginnings – Plano
Phone : 972-276-0057 (24 hr hotline)
Website : hdnbc.org
Emergency shelter that helps individuals and families escape and heal from domestic abuse, dating abuse, and family violence through free trauma-informed services.
Emily’s Place – Plano
Phone : 972-424-7775
Website : emilysplacetx.org
Long term housing program for single mothers with children.
Community Lifeline
Phone : 972-542-0020
Website : communitylifeline.org
Cornerstone Assistance Network
Phone : 469-288-2211
Website : cornerstonenct.org
St. Vincent de Paul
Phone : 469-607-0909
Website : svdpusa.org