Dear LifeChangers,
Over the last few years, as we have been planning and preparing for the needed next stages of growth, we have been able to connect with many of our Shiloh graduates. We have laughed, celebrated, reminisced about the past, and learned about their successes. Without fail, I always walked away thinking about how different their futures will be.
When a mom is accepted to Shiloh Place, she is not simply looking for affordable housing or childcare. Nor is she just looking for a stable career with financial security. A Shiloh mom is longing for a new future for her children. This is her motivation to wake up early, stay up late, and fight through the hard days. Because this opportunity is about growing a new legacy for her family.
What a gift to look to the future, knowing you are sowing seeds of hard work, determination, love of family, sacrifice for others, all built on the unshakable and faithful foundation of Christ. Scripture reminds us that our faithfulness now sets the foundation for our children and our children’s children. THIS is the legacy our moms are already instilling in their children, that will bear fruit for generations!
Our moms leave Shiloh Place with love and gratitude for the opportunity, provision, prayer and ministry that Shiloh played in their lives. For every supporter that prayed, gave financially, or volunteered, these women see a beautifully woven story that is now the gift they leave their children – Legacy!
Now, as we are stepping into the tangible expansion of our capacity and reach, we need your financial support and prayer. When we live with intention and awareness, walking as God leads, we glimpse the legacy we are leaving. And at Shiloh, we believe more families = more changed lives = greater legacies for generations to come!
In Him,
Eppy Thern